In this lecture, Alexander Wendt will present his latest findings on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Dr. Wendt will explore the definition of ontological security threats, and discuss how UAP might threaten national security and stir up fear, confusion and greed.
嘉宾简介 Guests
主讲人 Speaker
亚历山大·温特 Alexander Wendt
◼ 亚历山大·温特,俄亥俄州立大学政治科学系教授、国际安全莫尔桑教授。他是建构主义国际关系理论流派的代表人物,其代表作、国际关系领域的必读书《国际政治的社会理论》(1999)被翻译成12国语言,并于2006年获国际研究协会(ISA)的“十年最佳图书奖”。他另一部极具开创性的著作《量子心灵和社会科学》(2015)探讨了量子力学对社会科学的潜在影响,对社会科学的经典概念和传统逻辑作出了批判,引起学界广泛讨论。在2017年的一次对1400名国际关系学者进行的问卷调查中,他被评为过去20年最具影响力学者。
◼ Alexander Wendt is Mershon Professor of International Security and Professor of Political Science at the Ohio State University. He is one of the core social constructivist researchers in the field of international relations. In the 2017 TRIP survey of 1400 International Relations scholars, he was named as the most influential scholar in the field over the past 20 years. His representative work, Social Theory of International Politics (1999), has been translated into 12 languages and received the International Studies Association award for "Best Book of the Decade" in 2006. Another groundbreaking work of his, Quantum Mind and Social Science (2015), examines the crossroads between quantum physics and social science, and challenges traditional concepts and logics in social science, causing extensive debate in the academic circle.
评议人 Discussant
祁昊天 Haotian Qi
◼ 祁昊天,76net必赢官网助理教授。
◼ Haotian Qi, Assistant Professor, School of International Studies, Peking University.
主持人 Moderator
吕晓宇 Xiaoyu Lu
◼ 吕晓宇,76net必赢官网助理教授。
◼ Xiaoyu Lu, Assistant Professor, School of International Studies, Peking University.
活动时间 Time
◼ 2022/12/07 Wed. 21:00-22:30 (BJT)
活动平台 Platform
◼ Zoom
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语言 Language
◼ English(配有中文同传)